Feedback from Spirit Baby Clients
Client One
Hi Christine,
Wow, the reading was AMAZING…..
So much of it resonates with me, and I feel so much more at peace, and excited about all that came through!
 The wording of …..messages was like he was talking to me, in fact as I was reading I could just hear him actually saying it!
It has blown me away with who …. was in the previous life she talked about.
And, with the surrounding circumstances of her passing this time, it makes complete sense.
Once again thank you, and I’m so grateful that this world has people like you!
N. H.
Client Two
Thank you so much for your reading. It gave me so much peace of mind.
I feel like I can venture into a new pregnancy without feeling so much fear and anxiety, now,
and I am pleased that my future daughter is looking forward to being with us as much as we are looking forward to being with her.)
Wow… Now, that’s something to wrap my head around ) Very illuminating, Christine. Thanks, again, and I wish you all the best.
Client Three
May God keep blessing the work you do for many years more… As you can imagine,
I’m floating with joy, happiness and my tears are filled with endless love and gratitude.
Once again, from the bottom of my heart NAMASTE!
Love & Light
Client Four
Just wanted to let you know I am 12 weeks pregnant! With twins!
Thanks for your help
Followup..client sent me photos of two beautiful baby boys.
Client Five
Hi Christine ,
Thank you so much for an amazing reading! We are so grateful and feel blessed to have contacted you and it gives
us enormous peace of mind! All the pieces are coming together and l am feeling very excited and hopeful and
can work on deepening the connection to help them both come thru!!! You are very gifted and will pass on your  details to my friends and family so you may get an influx of Aussies wanting help !
Words can’t express how happy and relieved we feel and we can’t thank you enough!!!!!!
Much love and light
Client Six
Thank you very much Christine!  I really do like the reading. A long time ago someone told me that I would have a girl and a boy butshe wasn’t sure who would come first 🙂  I think they are still taking about that! hehehe I will look for the book ASAP
Client Seven
Hi Christine,
I just wanted to share the news with you!
I am 9 weeks pregnant with twins!!
Thank you for the session that we had back in March!!!
Best regards,
Client Eight
Dearest Christine, firstly thank you so very very much for sending me my reading so quickly. It has bought such peace to my heart and mind as well as an understanding as to why what has happened happened. However what you have said has given me the key to free my mind from that and see the situation with a new found clarity and purpose. If I hadn’t found you I really don’t know how I would have come to terms with things as well as find the courage and strength to go on. I am so grateful to you and yourgift; beyond words I am so so thankful.
Christine, my gratitude is beyond words, for what you have given me; hope, faith, and the courage to trust my heart. The past Iunderstand, I am at peace in the moment and the future is full of light and promise. I feel so so lucky that I found you.
Thank you to you, for being here and sharing your gift, thank you. Love and blessings
Client Nine
THANK YOU! You helped me turn off the ego
in my mind- I can really rest now and resume my faith! 🙂 C.
Client Ten
Thank you thank you! This reading has warmed my heart and is helping me to continue this journey and not give up. I have always felt a connection to the spirit baby and I will try to spiritually connect to him. Everything you have said I have known. This infertility struggle has definitely changed who I am…and has had an effect on my inner self tremendously, but the fighter in me will heal. Â That I am sure of!
I am grateful for you and your gift.
Client Eleven
Hi Christine,
Thank you so much for the spirit baby channelling which was lovely and so reassuring. Thank you for the advice .
I’ve read Walter Makichen’s book ‘Spirit Babies’ and have been doing the Meditations to connect with the spirit baby and to strengthen my energy body. I am feeling a lot more positive about the whole process after your reading. It’s a blessing I found your website.
Keep doing the amazing work you’re  doing. Thank you again so much.
Angel Blessings,
 Client Twelve
Dear Christine,
I can never thank you enough! The messages you shared with me assured me that my sweet child is there, and will soon be part of our family. The messages also confirmed what I already knew in my heart, that I can do this naturally! Thank you for giving me back faith in my own body!
You are a very special human being. I am so happy that I found you! What an amazing gift you have!
Thank you again, you’ve restored my faith and given joy back to me!
Client Thirteen
Hi Christine,
Thank you so much for your reading. It has really brought a lot of peace to my heart, knowing that everything is and will be ok. I will definitely meditate on everything that was said and try to be as positive as I can be moving forward. You have a beautiful gift!
Thanks again.
Client 111
What an amazing reading, I can’t thank you enough. I feel so encouraged by your reading - we are all completely ready to receive this child into our lives and into our home, they will receive so much unconditional love and encouragement to grow.
You have a such a gift, and how wonderful it is you can use it to help people. I will be following the guidance you gave, and I will keep you posted on my progress (I’ll let you know when I am pregnant!)
My best
Client 125
Hi Christine,
We hope this message finds you, the cats, and chickens all well ;-).  I would like to cancel our meeting next week for the happiest of reasons.  Everything is going very well. My husband and I are talking to the baby every day and best of all I’m feeling calm and relaxed.  All of our early medical tests (blood and ultrasound) show that baby is developing well and all looks normal.  We want to thank you for all that we learned in our earlier meetings and to thank you for your warmth and compassion.
 Followup…client delivered a beautiful baby boy and came to see me for help contacting another spirit baby.
Warmest Regards,
 Client 132
Wow, Christine! I just read this unbelievable. Â I awoke suddenly its 4 am here checked my phone. And found your email. Â Thank you so very much. Â You were right on the money, it’s what I thought. Â So, happy to hear the baby is always with me. Â And really amazing you heard his voice. Â I knew he was a boy. Â I’m so happy to know he knew I loved him and wanted him. You are amazing. I feel better now but have to tell you, I’m still surprised. Â It’s still sinking in.
Client 148
Thank you so much dearest Christine! I was so delighted to wake up this morning and receive your reading . It certainly explains a lot and brought tears to my eyes. This spirit baby sounds like such a joy and so perfect for me. I’m so inspired, to think of this beautiful life we will be able to have.
Your reading was a gift to me in so many ways. I really can’t thank you for it enough. We are blessed on this earth to have people like you, truly. I’ll get to work with implementing your suggestions right away.
Kindest regards,
Client 163
Christine, thank you so very much for the reading and suggestions. It’s eased my heart ache and comforted me more than you can imagine. I also want to thank you for doing this kind of work, it’s people like you who are making such a huge impact on the energy of this universe. May God bless you and your family. Thanks again.
Client 167
Dear Christine,
Thank you for your kind words, you are incredibly sweet and every little positive word gives an inkling of hope.
I will let you know in the coming weeks.
Thank you so kindly for your time.
Client 178
Exciting news – I’m pregnant!  We are beyond excited and I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know.
It’s funny, I woke up with this really good, really positive energy all around me and especially around my abdomen.
I am convinced the spirit work and reiki treatments you did contributed greatly to this outcome.
I am continuing to meditate and talk to the babies every day and continue to visualize my uterus in a glowing pink colour with healing white light inside. I also focus on my heart chakra a lot.
Thank you so much for everything you have done Christine.
Client 180
Dearest Christine,
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for completing such an amazing reading for me. It brought tears to my eyes while also bringing about clarity to my experience. Your powerful wisdom, guidance, and love is what I see here and I am so grateful that I found you. I fully trust my SB with all my heart knowing that I will see her in this lifetime.
This reading has brought me to a new level of my being. I did the candle and sacral charka exercises tonight 🙂 My journey is starting to unfold and I can feel it. Thank you thank you!!!
Much love and blessings to you.
Client 181
Thank You Christine for all the help and your reading.
I will definitely let you know when I become pregnant…Your reading definitely gave lot of hope and positive vibrations in us..
I am really grateful that I could find you…May be this is in the destiny or may be my spirit baby is the one who made me to connect with you..
thank you so much once again for giving so much hope & relief..Our Best Wishes to you & your family
Client 182
I appreciate your help, guidance, and love. Your words have brought me such peace. I now sing to and talk with my Spirit Baby often…and I know she hears me. I asked her for an obvious sign, that I needed to know it was her. A feather flew right into my hands the following day…. It wasn’t a bird’s feather, it wasn’t a pillow feather, it was a feather like I have never seen. I knew it was her sign for me. Thank you, Christine.
Client 186
Dear Christine,
Thank you for that beautiful response. It gives me strength and hope. I appreciated, too, the resources you included.
EClient 188
Dear Christine,
I’ve just read your reading and I’m really thankful for it. All of it makes sense and it confirmed some feelings and ideas that I have been having.
Sometimes the grief and our pain doesn’t allow us to think straight or to be sensitive to messages and feelings (our sixth sense).
I feel more relaxed and hopeful now. THANK YOU!
I wish you all the best and I send you a warm hug full of love … and my eternal gratitude.
Client 189
Dear Christine
You are lovely, many thanks for your help:-)
Indeed I will let you know good news, many many thanks for your guidance!!!
Sending you many blessings and much love
Client 237
Thank you so much for your response. You are an amazing human being for helping so many people and giving us hope.
Very grateful to you.
Client 243
I wanted to just share with you how much I am enjoying working with you.
In a short time you have provided with a safe container that allows me to share all parts of myself that is so important to me, to be honest.
Client 244
Thank you again for your accurate and insightful reading. I wanted to follow up on your suggestion for hypnosis and aromatherapy – I think it is absolutely correct that my body does not feel that it is “safe†to become pregnant and I’m working so hard at meditating, holistic living, trying to calm down/slow down, etc.
Your first reading on my spirit babies really made a big impact in my life and the way I’ve been thinking- and the more I try to open my 3rd eye and really listen, the more obvious it is to me that there is a presence  in my life that is trying to get in contact with me- I want to put myself in a place where I can be open to receiving those messages, and your first reading certainly did that for me.
Client 245
Good morning Christine! I wanted you to know how much you have helped me since the reading. I have been meditating daily and communicating with ….. They have opened my heart up to forgiving myself and moving to a place of peace within myself. Oh what an incredible gift you have to see these things- . I am so very very grateful for your gift!!!!!!! thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul! My life has become one of sheer joy from that place of such deep sorrow. I still miss …. in many ways and in many moments of each day….but in a different way. I feel her presence always. She has shown me many signs of her presence during each day. How may I repay you Christine? Is there anything I can say or do to give back to you even some of what you have given me/ our family /our marriage/ my ability to love others again. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! With a hug and a huge appreciation….
Client 248
Hi Christine – thank you so much for this!
I will be re-reading it several times for the sweet energy and reassurance contained within it.
Thanks again,
Client 189, now 7 months pregnant and doing follow-up work
Super many many thanks Christine, you are an angel:-)))
 Client 264 Thank you very much for the reading Christine, I have just finished reading all of the attachments here, and I am going to read over the actual reading again to fully absorb all of the important info in there.I really appreciate this, and again thank you for allowing your gift to be shared with the world.There really is a lot to think about in that reading, so I need to sit here and think about it carefully, and soak it all in again. I am so glad that I have had this done, I can reflect back on this in my own way. I think I am still partially in awe with some of the info in this reading.I will let you know when the happy moment comes along for us.Best wishes for the new year ahead!Client 267Hello Christine,Thank you so much for the amazing reading with our Spirit Babies.Just some quick feedback. I have been doing clairvoyant readings and some healing work for several years now and it never ceases to amaze me how Spirit works and guides in our lives – it is a constant reminder of the magic that surrounds us and how much we have to be grateful for.Your reading was wonderful confirmation for what I have been feeling for myself, and possibly doubting or resisting, about the direction in which to develop or work further. It is like being able to see where you are meant to be going, but step by step putting everything together like a puzzle and this has just provided one of the missing pieces. It brought just that extra peace of mind and clarity, that sometimes you can’t quite find for yourself.
Client 158 Follow-up
Dear Christine,
I don’t know whether you remember me, but you very kindly did a spirit baby reading for me just over a year ago. You gave me great hope; there was a boy and a girl waiting, which was compatible with what I myself had intuited. I conceived , as agreed with my spirit babies. I have so far enjoyed a healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy. I had an ultrasound scan at 22 weeks and all appeared well.Client 270
I just arrived home and read the package. It was so powerful! I feel so uplifted by it.I was so moved at your description of the baby boy…. that’s how I always picture a baby boy.Client 273
Love all this you wrote out for me, I find it fascinating and it’s so good to know about past life time
Client 276
Hi Christine!  Thank you so much for the detailed reading!  Just this alone has been a huge help in my healing process.  I understand the reasons behind it now and this really has helped me tremendously.  You have a beautiful gift. Client 189Hi ChristineI am happy to let you know that our daugher was born and we are both doing well:-)
She is gorgeous, alert and smart and very sweet. We have had a hard time with breastfeeding but it’s getting better now as we try to only breastfeed.Many thanks again for your guidance and help, it meant a lot to me.I trust all is well with you and your family:-)Much loveClient #268 Followup
Hi Christine!
Thank you for your response a couple of weeks ago! Â I wanted to update you that I just found out I’m pregnant! Â Only about 2-3 weeks along so it’s still very early 🙂
I know my job is to continue singing to my spirit baby and shifting my anxiety, which I feel has made a huge difference in my energy. I’ll also keep in mind your offer for hypnosis!
I was just wondering if there is a little prayer I can say or anything I can do to help stay connected to my spirit baby? Does he feel safe?
Thank you!
Client #117 Followup
Hi ChristineI’ve been meaning to get back to you for a very, very long time.  A few days after I received this lovely reading I found out I was pregnant. We had a little boy who is the happiest baby I have ever known.  Last week I found out I’m pregnant again – very much a bit of an oops on our part and not planned.  I’ve been worrying a lot and dug out this reading to help calm the fears.I hope all is well with you and thanks again.
Client # 299
Thank you that’s incredible- brought me to tears 🙂 happy tears
Client #304
Thank you so much! This is amazing, so much here to take in. I keep reading it over and over. There’s definitely room — this one has found the right people.And the fertility info is incredibly helpful, too. I’ll be sorting through it to see what I can incorporate asap.
I’ll keep you in mind for future guidance, thank you again!
Hi Christine this was so beautiful and meaningful. I am still taking it in. I am so grateful for your gift and your sharing it. I was fascinated by what you were able to gain from talking with our spirit baby.  I wonder about these past lives too!
I am again so grateful for the insights. It felt quite specific and correct about what you said .
Client #244 Follow up
Christine, I don’ t know if you remember me. We worked together last….and after much work, I am somehow now 8 weeks pregnant!
Client #195 Follow up
Our precious baby boy was born. I wanted to let you know how much your work helped me to heal and conceive right away. Everything your reading said made so much sense and I can tell that our boy is everything he communicated through you. Thank you so much for what you have done for us! Also as mentioned in the reading, Spirit Baby said that my sister’s baby … they had an agreement to come in together… well she is due in 4 months, so that is happening too!!
I attached a picture of our precious boy. I mentioned your work to .. and how it helped me. She wants to have a session.
Love and Happiness
Client #306
Thanks so much Christine. The information and insight you have provided has helped to clarify and validate much of what I was feeling. Thank you for all the additional resources. Your gift is truly beautiful and I am so grateful for your assistance in helping me be one step closer to my baby to be 🙂
Client 313
Thank you so much for your reading, the messages confirmed what I knew in my heart.
I feel blessed to have contacted you, please keep doing the amazing work you are doing.
Client #314
Thank you so much, Christine! Thanks for the reading and for the other articles to help as I continue on my journey.
All of this is appreciated beyond words. Hope you have a fantastic day.
 All the best
Client #316 Follow up
Hello Christine,
You are never going to believe this, but I just got a positive pregnancy test!!
Sure, i believe it, that sort of thing happens often to my clients….
Establishing contact seems to stir things up …
WOOHOO! That is just amazing!!!Thank you!!!Â
Client #274 Follow up
>Â So lovely speaking with you.
> Just found out today that we are pregnant again. How beautiful!
> Might book in for another hypnosis in a months’s time? Do you think that’s a good idea?
> Sending you much love.
 Client #276 Folowup
Hi Christine!
Just wanted to let you know that I am pregnant! Â I’m exactly 5 weeks.
I think doing some of the things you suggested like visualization and meditation was really helpful.
Client # 344
I cannot thank you enough, Christine!
This sounds so comforting and beautiful!
Thank you!
Client #347
Thanks Christine! Wow wow wow!!!! Spot on and I’m still reading your response as the words keep changing form each time i read your words. I know about the environmental warriors and I knew about healing the world. I knew about the birthing method…I cried for joy about the sharma bit and I am feeling excited about teaching my cherubs 🙂
I feel joy and I’m so glad I found you! I don’t remember how. I feel blessed!
Client #348
Dear Christine,
Thank you very much for connecting with our spirit baby again. The reading is wonderful and very important to me.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Client #347 (update)
Thanks so much for your lovely email! I always look forward to reading them. I’m feeling very powerful and more confident! This stuff is real and you helped me connect to my spirit babies!
Client #77 (update)
Hi Christine,
It’s been awhile, but I just wanted to say thank you again for your words of encouragement. My daughter was born in March 2014 and my son made an unexpected appearance in May this year. I hope that you’re doing well.
with love and light,
Client 355
I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for your services. The reading with my spirit baby was truly amazing! It served me as confirmation for what I had already felt but wasn’t sure because I thought maybe it was me making up things. It truly helped me to be at peace and it made me feel truly connected to my spirit baby!!
> Again thank you!
Client 362
Thank you so much Christine ! It’s so incredible all the information you received!
I am just overjoyed and overwhelmed with gratitude!
I can’t thank you enough for this reading-it really helps
me understand things more fully. I look forward to welcoming ….
shortly and i’m glad his sister will think he is just a living doll !! I love that!
Take care in all you do . Thanks you so much again,
Client 366
Dear Christine,
Thank you ever so much for your reading.
I’m so happy!
Best wishes,
    “Hi Christine!
I felt inclined to let you know I’m pregnant with my girl right now and she’s due at the end of…..
Hope you’re doing well!”
Client 364
This makes me so incredibly happy. Just to feel connected to her so strongly. Thank you for your reply and all of your guidance.
I feel blessed to have been able to connect with you.
Thank you!
The following comments are since the publication of Spirit Baby.
My book “Spirit Baby” is available for sale.
Please find the below links:
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     “Hi Christine,
How are you? I wanted to share good news with you….I’m now in my 20th week of pregnancy!!! It was a natural conception . We are absolutely thrilled as you can imagine.
We know we’re having a boy and the due date is …
I want to thank you so much for the time you spent with me and for connecting me with my spirit baby and helping me regain my self-confidence and belief in my body and capability
to conceive and bring new life into my body and the world. Our meetings were a real turning point in my journey to motherhood and for that I’ll always be grateful to you. It really was
interesting how I came to find you through my online research last year. Was meant to be!
All the best to you Christine.
"Thank you SO MUCH! Every time we communicate it warms my heart!
I wish you well!
Thank you!!"
    “Dear Christine,
I can’t tell you how much this all means to me. Thank you so much. I’ll read up and will keep your wisdom in my heart. My hope is to make contact with a couple of spirit babies! 🙂 Thank you again for your compassionate and thoughtful words.
All the best,”
  “Hi Christine,
I was just speaking with a friend about how wonderful my reading was with you and I realized I never sent you an update.
I’m thrilled to report back and let you know that I got pregnant the day after our reading .
 My OB was shocked. My daughter has been born .
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your reading deeply resonated with me and gave me a strong sense of peace.
I truly believe that it made the difference in conceiving this beautiful gift in our lives. She is truly the sweetest and happiest baby
I have ever been around. Whenever we are out people constantly gravitate toward her and comment on her. She is such a blessing.
Thank you.
     Thanks so much Christine, you really do a fabulous job and are so gifted.
   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Â
      Thanks so much Christine! My feelings of getting pregnant this month were somewhat strong before doing this but when I hung up with you,
that feeling just increased 10 fold! It was so amazing, almost like the conversation I had just transformed into this incredible strong feeling of
reassurance that it’s actually going to happen. Â
I will look for it! I just want you to know a few months after my reading I became pregnant again and now have a 4 month old baby boy!
Congratulations Christine! I am really looking forward to buying and reading your book very soon! I also want to thank you from the bottom of my heart as you gave me such hope last year during my Spirit Baby reading and after 5 lost pregnancies I am finally 22 wks pregnant with my beautiful Spirit Baby who is kicking away as I email you. 🙂 Strangely I am reading Spirit Babies by Walter Makichen at the moment and obviously feel so full of joy, hope and happiness for the birth of our beautiful daughter.
Lots of Love and Light,
Hi Christine,
> I just wanted to share the news that I am pregnant! We are so excited and praying that everything continues to go well. Thank you so much for your support over the years in helping me on this journey. I will keep you posted.
Hi Christine,
Thank you for the lovely reading. I was reading it smiling and crying simultaneously. I was so happy….I will let you know when I am pregnant again.
(N.B. this client got pregnant a month after her first reading four years ago.)
Dear Christine
I have been reflecting on the reading for the past couple of days and I’m so grateful to the universe and our baby spirit for guiding me to you to receive this channelled message. It has truly reassured me that all is in divine order.
Thank you also for the extra reading material too.
Hello Christine,
Just wanted to say hi to you and thank you.
Hope you are well.
 Your readings have helped to put a lot of things into perspective and this has made me more peaceful.
Dearest Christine,
Thank-you  to all the wonderful warm work you have done for both of us.
Since receiving all the information about our spirit babies we feel a sense of peace and positivity about our journey.
Our connection in our past lives also makes a lot of sense.
It was lovely to receive the reassurance that our babies are there and we will continue to hope, pray and connect to encourage them to come to us !
A very warm Thank-you to you for sending all the informative information and articles.
This whole experience has bought light and a whole different perspective to this spiritual journey .
I will keep you posted about what happens.
Thank-you Christine

Hi Christine,
How are you? I am delighted to let you know our son was born healthy and happy.
I want to thank you again for the support and hope you gave me along the path to motherhood. You helped me believe in myself at a time when I really needed the encouragement.
Keep up the great work.
Dear Christine,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for channeling the spirit of my son. It has provided such a depth of understanding, compassion and love, and for that I am forever grateful.
After his passing, I grew spiritually in ways that I can not articulate, however after your reading, I have healed profoundly in ways that I was unaware even needed healing.
I am overjoyed at the news of his intention to reincarnate, choosing me as his mother again. These last few weeks I have felt his presence quite strongly, (one of the reasons I was guided to you) and this reading really validated that.
Hi Christine!
Hope this email finds you well.
I just wanted to send a quick note to say that baby and I are doing very well. I am 15 weeks and we heard the baby’s heart beat this morning at our midwife appointment. It still seems so surreal! I’m happy to share that we just signed up for Hypno Birthing Prenatal classes which I’m very excited about. This made me think of you 🙂
Take care
Christine! Keep up your amazing and inspirational work.
Dear Christine,
Thank u for your reading.. It was overwhelming reading it.. The city u mentioned is my birth place and have spent all my childhood summers there.. My fondest memories are of that beautiful city.. Yes, on a spiritual plane I do realise we are all connected and our near and dear ones are all around us.. Simply knowing that everything is ok is a blessing.. Your reading was a powerful one and insightful too.. Many thanks again for helping me.
Warm regards
Spirit Baby is an inspiring read. I have it at my table for me to read during mealtimes. Now more than ever I look forward to my next meal.
> Thank you so much. I love this book.
Wow! Thank you sooooo much! Im reading the reading now and am sincerely blown away…. really speechless sorta.
Im just holding my phone close to my heart.. i keep saying is this real is this real?? Sooo grateful Christine!!
Hello Christine,
I just wanted you to know I’m 5 weeks pregnant with our second baby- thank you for your help. I’ll send some photos when he arrives.
Much love
Hi Christine,
Just wanted you to know that your book arrived on my doorstep today.
I’m hoping to be spiritually enlightened by the weekend as I have the same excitement I had when reading Walter’s book.
Thank you for sharing your gift.
Talk to you soon,
Hi Christine,
I still am so very much in awe over your reading! I just can’t stop reading it! I’m really curious as to what form were you able to receive this information from my babies?
For example could you hear them, see them or sense them? I think that you’re so amazing!
That is perfect Christine!!! Thank you again for conducting this session and your guidance. Was a great day yesterday reflecting!!
Much love
 Client 445:
Thank you Christine:) May God bless you always..
Client #446
Thank you Christine! I’ve been digesting this all week and singing and talking to the little ones 🙂 And seeing butterflies at neat moments. I really appreciate the reading. Very special to connect with them in this way and I always imagined my Mom was over there with them giving them the low-down on everything 🙂
 My husband and I have both had (actual nighttime) dreams of a little girl and her younger brother in the last few years (I think mine started after we met actually), so we thought this was very neat! Will be very interesting and exciting to see how they decide to come through. We’re so excited to welcome them 🙂
Thank you for helping me to reconnect to the spiritual side of this journey, I appreciate that very much!
 client # 448
That is perfect Christine!!! Thank you again for conducting this session and your guidance. Was a great day yesterday reflecting!!
Much love
Your reading gave me hope and confirmation that what I thought about my spirit babies was real/correct. I am reassured that they are ok.
Client 451: Hi Christine,
Thank you so much for the reading!! This brings me so much comfort and peace and joy – thank you!
I have been feeling a baby boy spirit recently as well, so it’s reassuring to hear you also felt a boy 🙂
Client 452
Thank you so much for this beautiful reading!
 Client 313
Dear Christine,
Good news:) I am pregnant 🙂
God bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Client 449
Hi Christine,
After I read your reading for several times with tears in my eyes, I feel such a huge relief.
Thank God to send you in my life now to relieve the huge burden in my heart .
No words can express my appreciation. I just ordered your book too.
HI Christine,
It’s been a few weeks and I have been meaning to reach out to you. Sry, I have been so busy teaching and marking…you know how it is:)  Wanted to say thank you for helping me connect with my spirit baby.  You lifted up my spirit because before I came to see you I thought that I was too old to have children therefore, their not in my cards.  You helped me see that all is possible regardless of my age and brought hope and light back into my life.  I talk to my spirit baby everyday  I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving and wanted to let you know that I was thankful for you this past thanksgiving. Hopefully, we will meet again in the near future:)
P.S Loved your book.
What a beautiful, loving soul you are Christine. Thank you.
#465 Thank you so very much Christine for the reading! You and your gifts are a blessing to the world!
So much makes sense to me now after the reading. I am now more determined than ever and know exactly what to do.
Dear Christine,
Thank you so much for the wonderful reading. It has brought to me the much desired peace.
I know this is going to happen. With your help I am even more sure now. Thanks for all the help and compassion.
How much so ever I thank you, it would not be enough. May God bless you with all the happiness in the world.
 Your spirit baby readings are so elaborate and beautiful, it’s like receiving a long letter which i can cherish forever and maybe one day let my baby read…
That is great! Thank you very much for your precious reading.
Have read it, have printed it out just now.
My husband will read it. We will start to put it to practice – internally and externally.
May God bless you!
Dear Christine,
Thank you for the beautiful reading! It has brought us great peace and happiness!
I guess I can relax now.
I will definitely keep you updated,
Love and light!
Hello again Christine,
Thank you so much for sending me my completed reading.
I find it very interesting and inspiring and somehow also touching. I am amazed that obviously I was right with my gut feelings in so many points.
Hello Christine
Firstly thank you, I guess I needed someone to confirm everything.
I then found your website and now in my reading you said everything I wanted to hear. I had a dream in 2009 that I would have a baby boy.
In that dream they said then your American dream will come true. It’s only now I realize they meant you.
So that’s what the dream meant back in 2009. Everything you said is right, and you linked what I was told. But I had to find you, so that u open this spiritual world to me.
I don’t know which religion you follow, but guardian angels sent u my way.
You were put in my path in 2009 I didn’t know till now. You have amazing power All religions God has made u that versatile.
Thanks for everything Christine. You are a life saver.
Wow; thank you so much! Explains why I feel the way I do and makes me feel much more at ease.
Thank you so much Christine. I really enjoyed speaking with you and my spirit baby. I feel reassured and have a sense of calmness now.
Thank you so much, Christine! This has given me so much comfort to know there are babies who want to come into my life.
I will definitely work on communicating with them and making a conscious effort to make them feel loved.
Thank you again, this information is invaluable!!
Thank you Christine very much,
I took my time to really read and think in the messages. That was a lot of spot on information. Thank you very much for your beautiful work
and tremendous efforts to helping those kids to come in. i can not possibly express my gratitude in words. Thank you so much.
Dear Christine,
Thank you for the lovely gift from you and from my spirit baby.
I cried buckets.
I will be sending your contact info to several friends of mine …
So many people could benefit from this.
I am grateful that there are intuitive healers like you, and me, on the planet.
Keep shining your benevolent light.
Hi Christine
Thank you very much for this baby reading –
I can surely relate to a lot of the below and it has put my heart at peace knowing my baby is around me.
Hi Christine!
Hoping this email finds you well!
Update: I purchased both your book and Childbearing Year. I was ill the other day and while waiting at Urgent Care I was able to finish the parts of Childbearing Year that pertained to my needs currently. Tonight I snuggled down with your book. I just read the section about you channeling Walter. The sentence, “(If any of them mention Walter I feel he has sent them to me)” gave me the chills. As, I did mention to you that I had read Walter’s book some time ago (maybe a year?). At that time I went on a quest to find Walter only to find that he had passed. So, I was then on a quest to find another with his gift. I spent several hours searching the Internet looking…to no avail. Then about two weeks ago, I have no idea why I decided to search again and your name immediately popped up!?? I told my mom I felt that you were meant to do my reading and now was the time. That was just even more confirmed by starting to read your book, only to have Walter confirm it as well.
Just figured it was a fun fact to share!!
Thank you so much for the beautiful reading. I’m still processing…
I am feeling very much at peace and incredibly grateful that I did this. Thank you so much. I truly appreciate your gift.
Love & Light,
This is going to sound crazy, but I felt compelled to message you. I saw you on another website and when I looked at the date that your page had been linked up, I had an overwhelming feeling to send you a quick email and tell you that even though I have never had a reading from you, I appreciate your work more than you will ever know. What you do for grieving parents is absolutely incredible. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
#477 Update
Good day, Christine
I am writing to you today to thank you. If it was not for you I wouldn’t have coped.
Your reading brought me so much hope, You gave me everlasting peace.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I felt lighter. You gave me my life back.
You have touched my life in a way that I will never forget.
I talk to my son daily & that has given me something to look forward to.
I am truly thankful Christine many thanks.
Firstly, thank you. That made me cry as well as gave me comfort that nothing else has been able to.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Dear Christine:
First of all thank you so much. I got so much validation from this reading that I could hardly continue reading each paragraph without crying.
I have no words to describe my happiness.
Since I wrote to you I have felt lighter. I started feeling more at peace. It was almost instantaneous. It just felt a little part of me had healed in some way.
Thank you again for this precious gift. I will share it when the time is right with whom ever needs to hear it. I just feel blessed and happy for having this experience.
Hi Christine. Am blown away. I think we’re very lucky to have you and others like you on Earth.
can’t thank you enough for this. Have been crying happy and overwhelmed tears for about an hour now. A lot of this information has made so much sense to me, and resonates deeply.
I’m looking forward to trying to communicate some of these messages to our family. And I’m so excited to learn to communicate with our baby.
Thank you so much, Christine! So beautiful!!! With joy,
Thank you so much for the reading. You have brought me inner peace and comfort.  I am grateful for you. Kind Regards,
Thank you so much – I’m so grateful I found you
Hi Christine,
I hope you are well?
Just wanted to thank you for all your love and support on my journey to motherhood.
We had a healthy baby girl named….  last year…
… now already wishing to be pregnant again, giving birth to another healthy baby. It’s so beautiful.
Hope you and your family is well and wishing you a peaceful day.
Dear Christine,
Our spirit baby turned into an earth baby when we welcomed … into our arms.
I am beyond grateful and happy and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us on this journey.
Much love and light to you,
Client 533
Hi Christine,
Thanks for your reply, it really feels good communicating with you!
I will definitely contact you, once we are ready to conceive; I feel like you are our guiding spirit.
Take Care!
Regards and Love,
Client #535
Your words have been a pinnacle of light in an extremely dark time.
The work you do is amazing and I thank you for your input.
Client 536
Thank you so much.
You have an amazing gift.
Follow -up from a 2016 session
Anyway. My daughter is pregnant (yay) and we are having a shower for her this Sunday.
We would really love if you can come.
You are the one who gave her hope and she saw the baby at your meeting.
And she held on to that hope until she got pregnant.
Follow-up from a 2016 session
Dear Christine,
It’s almost been a year since I was in touch with you and I never really said thank you for your lovely reading. It felt a little weird and different but was very re-assuring and gave us so much comfort and hope.
I would like to inform you that we are now pregnant again, (all natural this time which is what I always wanted and wished), with a healthy baby . His due date is just 2-3 weeks plus of a year after what would have been …..s due date My man has a feeling it’s —–s soul who has come back to us in a new body. Time will tell I guess. I’m just very grateful we have been given this second chance and we feel very blessed.
I just wanted to express again my sincerest gratitude for the work you do. It gives us great comfort and hope.
Lots of love,
Client 540
Thank you for your wise and kind words Christine …. much appreciated.
God willing all will be good 🙂
Client #545
Wow….Christine, this reading has profoundly moved me and I am so happy to have confirmation of what I have already been intuiting and feeling.
It’s also so great to have clarity on what our soul group wants to work on as a family in this lifetime, and to have more insight into my previous relationship with this soul.
It’s great to also hear all of the wisdom that they bring.
Client #536(update)
We’re 8 weeks pregnant! First baby soul in line was conceived just a week after you connected with them.
Thank you so much for sharing your gift, it was helpful.
Feel free to use my testimony.
With love,
Client 553
Hello Christine,
Thank you so much for your reading and all the resources. A true gem!
The reading makes totally sense !
And that’s not all. Totally new to explore this kind of field as I didn’t feel attracted by feminity, women subjects…
I felt that the universe converged to make it happen and opened my path.
I will definitely read your book.
Thank you so much for all the love and light you gave me through this reading.
Much love and light
Hi Christine,
I just wanted to send you a note to let you know our Rainbow Baby arrived five weeks ago.
She was a few days late but I think she was waiting to share a birthday month with her big brother!
Her big brother loves her to death and it’s like he’s been waiting for her his whole (3yrs) life. 😉
Thank you for giving me hope when times felt dark.
I hope all is well with you.
Hi Christine
Just want to say thank you very much for the comprehensive reading. We are currently traveling
and we are starting to see a lot of butterflies appearing randomly around our surroundings.
Love and light,
Thanks, Christine.
Your reading has brought a lot of relief, joy, validation and clarity to our lives.
I can not thank you enough for all of this extraordinary information
you have given me.
It is like my eyes are fully opened in your confirming to me
what I have been intuitively carrying with me all of my life.
Dear Christine,
Thank you so much for being the spiritual messenger and bringing us the in-depth answers from our babies! The answers both confirmed something we were presuming/feeling before and shed new light on the nature of the souls we are expecting. We can prepare ourselves better now – that is reassuring 🙂
Hi Christine,
Thank you for your amazing work, the answers are eye-opening and your personal input is very inspiring, thank you.
I just want to thank you so much for all your help. It has been so helpful to me to get reassurance . I am constantly talking to her thanks to your advice.
Update from a past client
Hi Christine,
Thank you so much for your insight. I really do appreciate it.
We will be starting this process as soon as we get back home tomorrow.